import network import socket from time import sleep from picozero import pico_temp_sensor, pico_led import machine import requests ssid = 'MIT' password = '3pj@t_gwUp' html_css_code = """

LED is {{ state }}

Temperature is: {{ temperature }}

Quote of the day is {{ quote }}

Current Weather

Weather in {{ city_name }}:

Weather: {{ weather_data }}:

Latest News

News Title 1

News content goes here. Provide a brief description of the news story.

News Title 2

News content goes here. Provide a brief description of the news story.

""" def connect(): # Connect to WLAN wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.connect(ssid, password) while not wlan.isconnected(): print('Waiting for connection...') sleep(1) ip = wlan.ifconfig()[0] print(f'Connected on {ip}') return ip def open_socket(ip): # Open a socket address = (ip, 8080) connection = socket.socket() connection.bind(address) connection.listen(1) return connection def get_weather_data(api_key, city): url = f'{city}&appid={api_key}' response = requests.get(url) #print(response) #print('hello') return response.json() def webpage(temperature, state, quote, weather_data, city_name): # Replace placeholders with actual values html = html_css_code.replace('{{ state }}', state) html = html.replace('{{ temperature }}', str(temperature)) html = html.replace('{{ quote }}', quote) html = html.replace('{{ city_name }}', city_name) html = html.replace('{{ weather_data }}', weather_data['weather'][0]['description']) return html def serve(connection): # Start a web server state = 'OFF' temperature = 0 quote = '' # Define city_name here city_name = 'boston' # Replace with the actual city name you want weather information for weather_data = get_weather_data('bd4cf9b348a3a1bb5cf2fab8c40d5676', city_name) # Replace with your actual API key print(weather_data) print('hi') try: response = requests.get('') if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json()[0] quote = data['q'] + ' - ' + data['a'] print('got quote:', quote) else: print('Failed to retrieve quote. Status code:', response.status_code) except Exception as ex: print('An unexpected error occurred:', ex) while True: client = connection.accept()[0] request = client.recv(1024) request = str(request) try: request = request.split()[1] except IndexError: pass print('Received request:', request) if request == '/lighton?': print("Turning LED on...") pico_led.on() state = 'ON' elif request == '/lightoff?': print("Turning LED off...") state = 'OFF' temperature = pico_temp_sensor.temp html = webpage(temperature, state, quote, weather_data, city_name) response = f"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Length: {len(html)}\n\n{html}" client.send(response) client.close() try: ip = connect() connection = open_socket(ip) serve(connection) except KeyboardInterrupt: machine.reset()